Kasey Conrad presents these simple hacks to help calm your mind during this uncertain period
Abu Dhabi Talking has reached out to Kasey Conrad, managing director of Change Works, for her expert advice on how to manage your anxiety during COVID-19. Use her tips to help you cope in this unique circumstance.
Stay up-to-date, but don’t obsess
There’s a lot of information out there at the moment, whether it comes from the people you speak with or the avalanche of news on TV and social media channels. But those sources do not always share correct advice or information; therefore, always get your information from reputable sources, and limit your daily consumption.
Focus on those things you can control
You can’t control everything, trying to will certainly increase your anxiety levels. But what you can do is concentrate on tasks that support you right now. For example, take steps necessary to protect yourself, wash your hands, wear a mask when going out, and stay safe. Each day create a task list that focuses on the here and now.
Take care of yourself holistically
The whole of you matters and you need to take care of that, all of it! I suggest you create a routine and always be sure to take a YOU break each day. You could, for example, read, meditate, do qigong or yoga, get outside.
Stay connected
Social distancing is causing a strain on all of us in terms of relationships and seeing loved ones. While you cannot physically be with some of your family and friends you can still be in contact virtually. But don’t text them, call someone or have a video chat instead.
Reach out to someone in need
Helping others is one sure way to take your mind of your own worries and direct your thoughts to someone else. You could donate to a food bank, be there for a friend, colleague, loved one to listen and offer support, or through your actions be an inspiration for somebody, lifting their spirits and providing hope.
Meet Kasey Conrad
Kasey’s has been mentoring and developing people for more than 30 years now, both in the US and right here in the UAE. Along her inspirational journey, she has been encouraging self-awareness, self-empowerment and inspiring others to make deep and lasting change through individual sessions. At Change Works HRC, Kasey offers certificate training opportunities, informative hands-on workshops and speaking events, all of which are the driving force behind her ongoing mind-body work, as well as the establishment of Abu Dhabi’s unique Change Works HRC and the founding of Reaching out with Reiki Middle East.
If you would like to explore how ‘change’ could enhance you and your life, email: Kasey at kasey@changeworksad.com
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