These Abu Dhabi Achievements Last Year Smashed World Records

So without much further ado, here are some of the achievements from last year that made it into the history books…

A flag with a vertical stripe and horizontal green, white and black stripes overlaps A logo with text that reads as Guinness World Records and a pictogram with a star atop a pillar

From the fastest roller coaster to the largest hand-knotted carpet in the planet – Abu Dhabi is no stranger when it comes to owning world records.

And 2018 saw the capital setting and breaking records one after another.

Of course, such feats would mean nothing without the stamp of approval from the Guinness World Records – the international body founded in 1955 that recognises and catalogues human achievements.

So without much further ado, here are some of the achievements from last year that made it into the history books…

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As many as 70 chefs joined forces on Al Bahar Beach on 15th December to prepare the largest stew in the world as part of the Abu Dhabi Food Festival.

The massive chicken margouga – a traditional local stew cooked with spices and vegetables – weighed an enormous 4,770.56!

Students from Abu Dhabi Indian School turned heads when they created the largest human image of an infinity symbol.

The exploit, made possible by 998 pupils, was to raise awareness on the global issue of water depletion.

It broke the previous record set by 288 people in Nishinari, Osaka, Japan on 18th October 2015.


What better day to set a world record than on the eve of the country’s 47th birthday.

On 1st December, a day before UAE National Day, around 95,000 dominoes were toppled in a circular form in Marina Mall.

In line with the occasion, the toppled dominoes revealed a portrait of the Year of Zayed logo.

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Have you heard about our National Day Plans? We'll be attempting a Guinness World Record with 96,000 dominos, all in honor of the Father of the Nation. Catch it tomorrow at 7pm. For more information, visit us at or call us at 800 MMAD اتعلم في العيد الوطني لهذا العام الحدث الأبرز؟ سنحاول كسر رقم جينيس للارقام القياسية لاكبر حلقة مكونة من اكثر من ٩٦ الف من قطع الدومينو تكريما للاب والقائد المؤسس في عام زايد. شاركونا اللحظة غدا السابعة مساءا. للمزيد زوروا موقعنا او اتصلوا على الرقم . . . . #marinamallad #uaenationalday #yearofzayed #abudhabi @marinamallad

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To help raise awareness on breast cancer, staff from VPS Healthcare and Burjeel Medical City created a 4 km long pink ribbon on Al Hudayriat Island.


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