Work Stress? Here Are Some Victory Tips To Help You Relax

Work Stress

Work stress is normal. In fact, experts agree that a bit of stress can help a person stay focused, attentive and even challenged.

However, excessive amounts of stress can take a toll on both the mind and body.

Too much stress can hinder productivity and performance, affect physical and emotional health and upset personal and professional relationships.

As for stress triggers, it can range from pressure to perform and deliver at all times, heavy workload to dysfunctional relationship with a boss, among others.

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Fortunately, work related stress could be managed if armed with the right tools and mindset.

Sasha Quince, founder of Let’s Go Yoga, shares tips on how to cope when the stress gets too much to handle…

Awareness: Notice when you are beginning to drain mentally, tune out or lacking the desire to focus. Awareness to the act at hand is the number one key to creating shifts that work.

Deep breaths: Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth three to five times. Why? Because this zaps you into the present moment at hand while stimulating the energy pathways in your body and sparks your brain with circulation.

Ditch the dirt: Find yourself being absorbed into back-lashing or gossip? Choose to walk away and nourish your mind with something more productive and uplifting. Remember that negative vibrations bring negative vibrations.

Infuse gratitude into your day: Appreciation of your surrounding, your work, your colleagues, your environment infuse a healthy feeling into your whole being and have the power to uplift your spirits deeply.

Have a mantra. Keep a mantra in mind to ease you into a more elevated state. A few examples include ‘I feel clear, energetic and happy’,  ‘My body and mind are energetic and clear – ready for the day’ and ‘I choose to be here in this moment in appreciation.’

Sound: The power of sound can shift your mental state deeply. Whether you listen for a few minutes to the sound of the ocean, forest, birds, rain or even your favorite happy song this can create a great shift in anything that feels mentally draining.

Infuse your sense of sight: Whether you step outside or to a window, take a moment to look at the sky, the trees, above or below your neutral gaze and be with what you see for a few moments. Not to judge it or rush it but just to be with what you see and help clear mental blockages.

“Remember the mind is a powerful tool when used to its full potential,” says Sasha.

“It has the power to uplift your spirits but this off course takes awareness and practice and know that even if you practice one of these tools you are making a great shift for your mental wellness at work and beyond.”

Wishing everyone a stress-free day in the office.


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